So, you are looking to burn fat and get ripped?
It’s not easy. It takes time, hard work, and dedication.
The good news is…
There are supplements that can help you burn fat faster and get more ripped than you could on your own.
To take it a step further, you can use a stack of supplements that work together to burn fat more efficiently.
In this article, we will give you our best supplement stacks to burn fat and get ripped.
We Are Supplement Stack Experts
At The Athletic Build, our entire editorial team are experts in health, fitness and wellness with years of experience. We’re certified personal trainers and nutrition coaches who have spent decades refining our supplement knowledge and workout routines. Trust us to guide you toward your best self.
Best Supplement Stacks That Burn Fat
If you want a stack of supplements to make you lose fat faster and easier then these are the best ones on the market to pick from:
#1 Fat Burning Lean Muscle Essentials Stack
In first place, we have a really nice stack with the Fat Burning Lean Muscle Essentials Stack by Transparent Labs.
This bad boy is designed to burn fat while preserving muscle so you can get lean without sacrificing muscle in the process.
This stack comes with 4 different supplements, all of which work together to shed fat and get you ripped. The stack includes a nice pre-workout that is designed to get you lean, a fat burner, grass-fed whey protein, and creatine. Let’s take a look at each of these individually to see what makes this stack work so well.
PreSeries LEAN
This is their pre-workout, and as you can tell by the name, it is designed to burn fat and get you lean. Preseries LEAN is totally loaded with 16 active ingredients designed to target stubborn body fat while giving you a superior workout experience with increased energy, focus and muscle pumps. Not surprisingly, it was named our top pre-workout for weight loss.
They have a nice dose of Synephrine HCl, which increases metabolism and fat burning; they also use Chromium which helps with appetite suppression and blood sugar regulation. They also use Citrulline Malate for muscle and strength along with betaine anhydrous for reduced fatigue and endurance. On top of all that, they have the fat burning and thyroid support complex designed to keep your metabolism high and increase fat loss.
This pre-workout is literally busting at the seams with quality ingredients which is likely why it is the best cutting pre-workout supplement on the market.
PhysiqueSeries Fat Burner
Next up we have a really nice fat burner to go along with the Preseries LEAN.
This fat-burning supplement is made to increase your metabolism, so your body burns more fat naturally and also to reduce cravings so you eat less and consume fewer calories.
It is also loaded with potent ingredients including forskolin, green tea extract and cayenne pepper extract for increased metabolism along with 5-HTP for appetite suppression.
This is easily one of the best fat burners on the market and is a great addition to this stack.
ProteinSeries 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein
If you want to maintain that muscle while you shed fat you will need to get your protein and this is some of the best whey protein isolate out there.
This whey protein comes from naturally fed, hormone-free cows in Austria and doesn’t contain artificial sweeteners, dyes or preservatives.
It also comes with one of the highest purity ratings in the industry at 88%, truly good stuff.
Creatine HMB
This is really the cherry on top of this great stack. Creatine HMB is a metabolite of leucine that helps increase strength and power output while reducing muscle breakdown during intense exercise. This means you can train harder and longer without your muscles breaking down as quickly.
This makes it an excellent addition to any workout routine, especially if you are looking to lose fat and get ripped while maintaining muscle.
All of the supplements in this stack are free from preservatives, artificial flavors, dyes, GMO and any other bad things you can think of, just high-quality supplements that work to burn fat and get you ripped. That is why it is at the top of our list.
- Coupon Code TL10 saves you 10% at checkout
- Uses a pre-workout designed to burn fat and get you lean
- Uses a high-quality fat burner
- Grass-fed whey protein isolate to preserve and build muscle
- Krill oil for muscle and recovery
- Free shipping
- No artificial colors, flavors, dyes, GMO or gluten
- Coupon code TL10 saves 10% at checkout
- Only available on the manufacturer’s website
- Above average in price
- Unavailable at times
Related: Best Fat Burners for Men
#2 Instant Knockout System
Next up, we have a supplement stack that is a little different from the rest on the list but is still very effective. This stack features the popular fat Burner Instant Knockout Cut along with the meal replacement Instant Knockout Complete. These two products are made to work together to burn fat and increase weight loss. Let’s take a look at both of them,
Instant Knockout Cut
Instant Knockout Cut is one of the best fat burners on the market today. It features a large dose of Glucomannan which is a fiber that expands in your stomach so you feel full and eat less. It also uses Green Tea Extract and Cayenne Pepper to increase your metabolism humming. This combination of reduced appetite and increased metabolism will have you burning fat like crazy.
Instant Knockout Complete
Instant Knockout Complete is their vegan-friendly meal replacement shake that is high in protein and slow-release carbs so you will feel full and have more energy throughout the day while consuming fewer calories and losing weight.
By replacing one or two meals per day with Instant Knockout Complete, you can reduce their overall calorie intake while still providing their body with the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and energized. This can help to increase weight loss while also reducing the risk of nutrient deficiencies.
When you use these 2 supplements together you can help to create a powerful weight loss supplement stack that can help individuals achieve their weight loss goals faster and more effectively.
By combining the fat-burning and appetite-reducing benefits of Instant Knockout Cut with the nutrient-dense meal replacement provided by Instant Knockout Complete, individuals can torch fat and lose weight faster than they would with just a fat burner or meal replacement alone.
- Features one of the best fat burners on the market
- Vegan and vegetarian friendly
- Provides calorie control and appetite suppression
- Buying in bulk saves money
- Only 2 differnet supplements
- Doesn’t include a pre-workout
#3 Weight Loss Stack
The Weight Loss Stack from Swolverine is an excellent choice for those looking to burn fat and lose weight. This stack includes four different products that work together to help you achieve your weight loss goals.
These products include:
This is their thermogenic fat burner that helps you torch fat by increasing your body temperature. This fat burner uses 20 active ingredients, including green tea extract, yerba mate, Garcinia Cambogia, Guarana and more, to boost your metabolism while maintaining lean muscle mass.
Krill Oil
They also have a Krill Oil supplement rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These omega 3s are muscle-building blocks and help you recover faster from tough workouts.
This is a great supplement to help you maintain muscle while you are losing weight and getting shredded.
The human body carries nearly 100 trillion bacteria in the gut, that’s more than ten times as many cells we have all over. Probiotics are “good” microbes that help keep our guts healthy and assist with digestion, nutrient absorption, and better digestive AND immune system function.
CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant that helps support energy production in cells. It also aids in the production of ATP, which is the energy source for muscle contraction.
This supplement stack from Swolverine will help you lose weight while maintaining muscle mass. The combination of these four products makes it an excellent choice for those looking to get shredded and lose weight.
Pricewise this stack is about average. They do give you a discount of 10% when you buy this stack over what the supplements would cost if they were bought separately. Shipping is also free, so there are no added charges.
The one thing we wish this stack had was a fat-burning pre-workout. This stack is still pretty badass, though.
- Affordable
- Uses a thermogenic fat burner with 20 active ingredients
- Free shipping
- Buying the stack is $13 cheaper than buying the supplements individually
- Preserves lean muscle mass
- Doesn’t include a pre-workout
- Only available on the manufacturer’s website
#4 King Weight Loss Stack
In second place we have the King Weight Loss Stack by 1st Phorm, this is another good choice for fat burning and to help lose weight.
This stack is made up of five supplements. there is a metabolism catalyst, a fat-burning supplement, a sleep aid, a multivitamin and a whey protein.
Let’s take a look at all of these individually and see what we have.
Thyro-21 is a metabolism booster that focuses on thyroid health. It is made to deliver the raw materials to produce thyroid hormone.
Bringing the thyroid hormone into balance can increase your body’s metabolism and core temperature so you burn more calories.
Thyro-21 is also a good energy booster that doesn’t use caffeine.
Royal-21 King
Royal 21 King is their fat-burning supplement that is also made to boost your metabolism and suppress your appetite as well as provide increased focus and improved mood.
Looking at the ingredients they use Dimethylethanolamine, l-theanine, and caffeine for increased energy and fat burning, the rest looks to be made for focus.
Unfortunately, this one uses a proprietary blend so we can’t see how much of each ingredient is in there, only the overall amount so it’s impossible to tell how effective it will be but it is certainly missing some key fat burning ingredients.
This next supplement in the stack is a sleep aid. You may not know this, but sleep can be vital to many aspects of your health, including losing fat. This is because lack of sleep can lead to poor appetite and the release of ghrelin and cortisol, which leads to increased fat storage.
Core-21 uses melatonin, Rhodiola Rosea Extract, and kava kava to promote relaxation and deep sleep.
The next supplement in this stack is M-Factor; this is their multivitamin.
They have 2 versions of this product, one is for men, and the other is for women. Both of them have essential vitamins and minerals that many of us don’t get from food due to poor diet or lifestyle.
In the product description, they make it sound like it’s a life-changer, but it’s really just a multivitamin.
The last supplement in this stack is Level-1 which is their whey protein powder. This is a Cross-Flow Micro-Filtrated Whey Protein Isolate that is super high quality.
It is formulated to deliver an ultra-high quality that mimics the protein assimilation rates of whole food.
The only negative on this one is it does use some artificial sweeteners and sweetener but it is still a really good product.
Overall this is another really nice stack, the metabolism booster and the protein are both really nice. The fat-burning supplement didn’t deliver quite what we hoped it would but it is still a pretty good stack none the less.
It will certainly help you with your weight loss goals, no doubt about it.
- Uses a metabolism booster
- Includes a fat-burning supplement for even more fat burning
- Uses an ultra-high quality protein powder
- Includes a supplement for improved sleep and a multivitamin
- Expensive
- Doesn’t use a pre-workout
- Fat burner missing some key ingredients
#5 The Fat Loss Stack
Next up we have The Fat Loss Stack from Legion Athletics. This one is another good choice for those of you looking to burn fat and get ripped.
This stack features a pre-workout geared toward fat loss, a fat burner and a pre-workout.
Let’s take a look at each supplement in this stack and what makes it tick.
Forge Pre-Workout Fat Burner
This pre-workout is a bit unique in that it is meant to be taken when you are fasted for maximum effect.
This one uses citicoline and Yohimbe for increased fat burning, along with a nice shot of calcium.
It should be noted that Yohimbe comes with a number of unwanted side effects, including anxiety and panic attacks for people who are sensitive to it. Luckily the Yohimbe dose in this product is pretty low.
To be honest, this supplement doesn’t have many ingredients and they have low doses aside from the calcium, they would have been better off using something else like a pre-workout.
Phoenix Fat Burner
This fat-burning supplement is caffeine-free and gives you the benefits of a thermogenic fat burner without the jitters.
This supplement uses forskolin, synephrine, bark extract and green tea for a metabolism boost and 5-HTP for appetite suppression.
Pulse Pre-Workout
Last up we have their more traditional pre-workout with Pulse. This one features some solid ingredients.
They use Citrulline DL-Malate and betaine for strength along with theanine for increased focus and beta-alanine for reduced fatigue.
Overall this is a pretty decent stack. We like 2 of the 3 supplements in it, but the Forge Pre-Workout Fat Burner has only a few ingredients and doesn’t look all that effective when evaluating the ingredients, and it also may cause side effects.
- Uses a quality fat-burning supplement
- Pulse is a nice pre-workout
- Less expensive
- Pre-workout and fat burner and not much else
- Not much there in the way of muscle building or muscle preservation
- Only 3 supplements
How We Decided on the Best Fat-Burning Supplement Stacks
We’ve been hard at work devising the ultimate, comprehensive buyer’s guide to help you craft a fat-burning stack explicitly tailored for your needs.
Our vigilant testing alongside thorough client feedback has afforded us with an inimitable means of ensuring that every penny spent is a penny well invested! So without further ado, here are some key considerations when drawing up our list.
Supplements in the Stack
When deciding on the best fat-burning supplement stacks, a lot of attention was paid to what supplements went into the stack. Some stacks out there only include one fat-burning supplement in the stack and the other supplements are a complete waste.
We looked for stacks that included pre-workout, fat burner and protein powder at the minimum. We also looked for stacks with multivitamins, sleep aids and other supplements to really round out the stack.
Quality of Supplements
The quality of the supplements was another important factor when determining which stacks made it onto our list. We looked for supplements with quality ingredients and dosages that were in line with what is known to be effective.
We also made sure the stacks weren’t just a collection of cheap, low-quality supplements.
Price Point
Finally, we wanted to make sure that the stacks on our list were reasonably priced. We looked at both the individual prices of the supplements and the overall cost of the stack.
Ultimately, we wanted to make sure that you were getting a quality stack for a fair price.
We also accounted for any special deals or discounts that may be available when making our list.
What is a Supplement Stack?
A stack of supplements is simply a group of supplements put together by the manufacturer to help you reach your goals, whether it is burning fat or building muscle or just overall health
A stack can be just 2 supplements that work together or as many as 6 or more supplements, all designed with one goal in mind.
Stacks also help prevent side effects since most manufacturers put them together knowing what is in each one. Putting stacks together yourself can lead you taking huge amounts of caffeine or other ingredients if you aren’t careful or don’t know quite what you are doing. Going with a stack that is put together by the manufacturer is the safest and best we to go.
Related: Best Fat Burners for Women
Avoid Steroid Alternatives
This should go without saying, but I will mention it anyway: you should avoid any stacks that use steroid alternatives.
It’s not because they are dangerous or anything like that. It’s because they are completely ineffective and a total rip off. All they are is some tiny amounts of amino acids that they say will work like steroids and get you ripped or build huge amounts of muscle. The truth is they are about as effective as a placebo.
If you really look, you will notice that no reputable manufacturer makes them. You will also notice that most people who recommend them never tell you the ingredients; that’s because they know the ingredients totally suck, and they don’t want you to know.
Bottom line:
Don’t waste your time and money on that garbage unless you are one of those weirdos that likes getting ripped off.
Benefits of Supplement Stacks
Certainly! Let’s break it down into a more conversational and human-like tone:
Supplement Stacks: What’s the Big Deal? If you’ve ever found yourself wandering the aisles of a supplement store, eyes glazing over at the endless options, then supplement stacks might just be your new best friend. It’s a way to bundle everything together for your gym goals, be it muscle gain, fat loss, or something else entirely. Here’s why you might want to consider it:
No More Guesswork: Imagine having all your supplements hand-picked for you, with no more worrying about what goes with what. That’s the convenience of stacks. It’s like a personal shopper for your gym bag, making sure everything works well together.
Trust in the Pack: Scared of choosing the wrong thing? Supplement stacks take that fear away. They’re put together with care, so you can be sure you’re getting the right combination. It’s like having a knowledgeable friend guide you through the maze of the supplement world.
Save Your Cash: Buying everything separately can add up real fast. A stack is a way to get what you need without breaking the bank. Plus, it all ships together, so you save there too. It’s like a sale that’s always on, just for you.
Goals in Mind: Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned pro, finding the right supplements for your specific goals can be a headache. Stacks are usually tailored to specific needs, like building muscle or shredding fat. It’s like a road map to success, already laid out for you.
What It All Means: Supplement stacks are more than just a bunch of products thrown together. They’re a thoughtful, goal-oriented way to approach your time in the gym. You get the convenience of having everything chosen for you, the confidence of knowing it’s a good fit, the cost-saving benefits of buying in bulk, and the ease of targeting your specific goals.
How Much Do Supplement Stacks Cost?
If you’ve got your eye on supplement stacks, you’re probably wondering about the price tag. Sure, they might look more expensive at first glance, but let’s break it down:
A supplement stack is like a gym starter pack. It’s got everything you need, all bundled together. If you were to buy these supplements individually, you’d likely end up paying more. So, what’s the damage? Prices usually range from about $100 to $265, depending on what you’re getting.
Think about it this way: the price will vary based on the number of supplements, their types, and quality. Whey protein isolate might set you back a bit more than creatine or omega-3. But on average, you can expect to pay around $184.90 for a supplement stack.
Sure, that might still sound like a chunk of change, but remember, you’re investing in your goals. It’s like buying a toolkit rather than a bunch of separate tools. You’ll have everything you need in one package, likely at a better price.
Before You Hit the Checkout Button… Hold on a minute! Before you click ‘buy,’ there are a few things you might want to consider. Do you need everything in that stack? Are the brands trustworthy? Is it tailored to your specific goals?
Take a moment to think it through. You wouldn’t buy a new pair of running shoes without trying them on first, right? Consider your supplement stack in the same way. Make sure it’s the right fit for you.
With a bit of careful consideration, a supplement stack can be a real money-saver and a valuable addition to your fitness journey. It’s like having a personal trainer in a box, giving you exactly what you need to crush your goals. Now that’s something to think about!
Considerations Before Buying A Supplement Stack
Finding the Right Supplement Stack – It’s Like Dating for Your Fitness Needs So, you’re on the hunt for a supplement stack, and everything looks pretty appealing. It’s all wrapped up in a shiny package, ready to help you on your fitness journey. But hold on a minute! It’s not all about love at first sight. Here’s what you should consider before you swipe right:
1. Don’t Fall for the Pickup Lines Just like in dating, brands have their ways of wooing you. They’ll tell you everything you want to hear, but can you trust them? Be a savvy shopper, and don’t get swept away by their sweet talk. Read the labels, research the ingredients, and manage your expectations. Remember, it’s not one-size-fits-all. We all react differently to supplements, so do your homework.

2. Know What You’re Looking For Imagine going on a date and not knowing what you want. It’s the same with supplement stacks. Are you looking for the whole package, or do you just need a little spark? If you need a full-blown nutrition makeover, a stack might be your soulmate. But if you’re just feeling a bit sluggish at the gym, maybe all you need is a pick-me-up, like a pre-workout.
3. Don’t Overcommit You wouldn’t marry someone on the first date, so don’t jump into a stack without thinking it through. If you only need one or two items from the bundle, don’t get lured into buying the whole thing. A stack of four products doesn’t mean four times the success. Sometimes, less is more.
The Bottom Line Your relationship with your supplement stack should be a thoughtful one. Just like finding the right partner, it requires careful consideration and an understanding of what you truly need. Be smart, be selective, and don’t be afraid to say no if it’s not the perfect match. Remember, the real key to achieving your fitness goals isn’t found in a bottle; it’s in your consistent effort, exercise, and eating habits. But with the right supplement stack, you can add that extra zest to your routine.
Are you looking to shred some fat and get ripped? If so, a great way to start is by incorporating a stack of supplements into your routine. In this blog post, we outlined four different stacks that will help you do just that. Whether you’re new to working out or are an experienced weightlifter, there’s a stack for you in this list. Give one of these fat-burning supplement stacks a try and see how it works for you.

Ryan is a former college wrestler and lifelong fitness fanatic. He has run half marathons, done mud runs, placed in body transformation contests, coached wrestling, and now coaches girls’ soccer. Not to mention he has also tried literally hundreds of supplements over the years and has a vast and thorough supplement knowledge. He has written for Muscle & Strength, Testosterone Junkie, The Sport Review and other publications. He is also the editor-in-chief of this website and has over 25 years of experience in the fitness industry. Feel free to connect with him on his LinkedIn page below.