Jeremy Scott is a former college basketball player, PROLAB Sponsored Athlete, Reebok Athlete and FitFluential Ambassador. He sat down to talk with us about everything from training and diet to supplements.
How did you get started in bodybuilding/fitness?
I grew up participating in sports my entire life all way through college being a scholarship athlete playing Men’s basketball. Strength training and fitness just became an extension of that, it gave me another arena to compete in and better myself each and every day. The best part about it is with fitness there is no end, you are an athlete as long as you want to train and improve. It’s one of the only arenas in life where hard work and dedication truly does pay off for those who put in the time.
What is your favorite body part to train?
I don’t know about just one body part, I would like to say my back but– probably the whole posterior chain I love deadlifting, squatting, the heavy pulling, and all the compound movements that build the backside. Most guys want to train the front side and the beach muscle, but if they really want to make gains they need to get that backside training in just as much if not more.
Do you ever do any non traditional training?
I like to mix things up, sprinting is a huge favorite of mine, I like to play basketball or at least shoot around and run through speed and agility drills as when I can. I also do a ton of circuit style strength and aerobic training in our adult groups at my training facility Jeremy Scott Fitness in Scottsdale, AZ. I love bodybuilding and lifting dead weight, but there is so much more to fitness than that and so many fun and effective ways to stay athletic.
Can you give us a sample of your routine?
My program varies based on the time of year and my goals, but right now I am strength training about 4-5 days per week. I focus on compound movements, deadlifts, squats, heavy pushing-pulling movements, and the bones of strength training. I love mixing bodybuilding and functional fitness together.
Like I mentioned I do typically 2-3 group circuit style strength & aerobic session per week with our athletes at Jeremy Scott Fitness – as well as tissue quality, and mobility, flexibility work daily.
A very basic strength split for me would be something like this:
Day 1 – Legs/Calves/Core
Day 2 – Chest/Back
Day 3 – Shoulders/Biceps/Triceps
Heavier weights ranges 4-6 reps on the compound movements
It doesn’t always have to be sexy; sometimes the simplest things in terms of strength training can be the most efficient.
What kind of music do you listen to when you are working out?
If I am listening to music it’s anything from 2PAC to Staind and anything in between really, however since I am so busy with my career I listen to a lot of audio books and motivational speeches while I train. My way of getting some education and motivation done all at once!
We all have at least one, what is the most embarrassing song on your iPod?
I won’t lie I have deadlifted to Justin Beiber before…….no shame in my game there.
What does your diet look like when you are trying to get lean?
For most part my nutrition plan stays pretty clean, I come from the world of intermittent fasting so I usually eat in a 4 hour window each day and typically eat 1-2 whole food meals and that is it usually between 2-6pm sometimes it can go later maybe 2-8pm or something like that. I also fast 1 day per week for usually 24 hours – drink nothing but water and green tea to clean my system out…..sounds crazy to some people but from a health standpoint fasting is the best thing I ever started doing.
In addition I also eat gluten-free everything and limit most grains and dairy from my life with the exception of cheats. So I follow a high protein-high fat- lower carb diet when I am trying to get into optimal shape.
List the top 10 foods we would find in your kitchen
- Chia Seeds
- phresh greens –
- Organic Raw Kombucha –
- Organic un-refined Coconut Oil
- Organic Omega Eggs
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
- Organic Peanut Butter
- Grass Fed Bison
- Spinach
What kind of cardio do you like best and why?
I would say sprinting hands down the most bang for your buck, I do also enjoy playing basketball, running stadium stairs and I recently got into riding bike as long as its fun and I can enjoy doing it I am all for it. I will never do the treadmill and elliptical thing I think they are the biggest waste of time in the world for most people, and I just think there are better ways to get your aerobic work in…..and have more fun doing it!
If you could give somebody only one fitness tip what would it be?
Don’t go cheap on your food – live in a smaller house, drive an older car, wear your clothes a little longer but don’t go cheap on your food. There is not a more important investment you can make in yourself than the food you put in your mouth… me on this guys.
Tell us about your biggest bodybuilding/fitness influence?
I have to say Arnold I have always thought his physique was the greatest but more than that it’s his work ethic and passion. This guy became Mr. Olympia 7 times…..that is amazing, then went on to become the most famous action move star of all time…..the alone is amazing……then he becomes the Governor of California……put all those together and you have one unreal fairy tale life! The work ethic and passion to be successful and accomplish your goals is inspiring.
Favorite cheat food?
So many things I love but living on the West Coast and having In-N-Out Burger here that has to be it. I don’t go very often but everything they do for some reason I love it all!
Do you take any supplements?
I do take a variety of supplements daily ,I am a PROLAB Sponsored Athlete and we have a great family of brands that I get to work with PROLAB-MRI-Natrol. Below is a rundown of what I take almost daily.
All from Natrol – Multi-Vitamin, Fish Oil-Glucosamine, Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, 5HTP and Melatonin and a heavy does of probiotics daily.
My Pre Workout – MRI – Black Powder Ultra Watermelon Flavor and MRI Full cycle….I also take MRI Red Repair before bed as well.
I do have a hard time eating all my veggies daily so I take phresh powdered greens to ensure I get all my micronutrients in daily –
What does the future hold for you?
Honestly I wish I could say as new things are always coming up. Just continuing to work with our amazing athletes here at Jeremy Scott Fitness and growing our brand here. I also have a few e-books and e-products coming out soon gluten free eating, intermittent fasting for fat loss and a few others that I am excited about. Personally I just want to keep training hard and eating well and have fun doing it. I am constantly reading, studying, learning and trying to became the most educated fitness professional I can be so hopefully a year from now I have some more fun things to share with you guys!
Jeremy Scott
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