In this review, we are going to take a look at TestoTek, a testosterone booster that you may have heard of.
Some websites have this product ranked as the number 1 testosterone booster overall.
But you are probably wondering…
“How do I find out if this supplement actually works?”
That is where we come in. In this review, we will break this supplement down by ingredients, price, reviews, side effects and more.
So let’s get started with this TestoTEK review and see if it lives up to the hype that some websites give it.
What is TestoTEK?
TestoTEK is a testosterone boosting supplement by TEKnaturals.
On their website, they make a lot of claims about TestoTEK…
Claims that almost seem a bit over the top and exaggerated and that are loaded with adjectives like fast, supercharge, rapidly, skyrocket and razor-sharp.
Here is a sample from their site:
These bold claims sound great, but are they realistic?
I am almost surprised they didn’t say it would add a couple of inches to your manhood while they were at it.
Now let’s take a look at the ingredients in TestoTEK and see if they can back up these boisterous claims.
See our Top 5 Testosterone Boosters on the Market Here
TestoTEK Ingredients
It should be noted that on their 1-page website that many websites link you to, the image of the product label with the ingredients on it is too small for anyone to read so it is really unclear what the ingredients are.
This did make us wonder if they were trying to hide the ingredients or maybe they figured most people don’t look at them, maybe both. While many customers don’t read the ingredients or know what most of them do the ingredients are very important. The ingredients will determine how effective it is, the rest is just marketing.
Luckily we have the knowledge to break down all the ingredients and let you if this supplement will work and how well.
That being said, let’s look at the ingredients:
Vitamin D3 (2000 IU) – Vitamin D is something we get from the sun, most people don’t get enough of it though. It has also been shown to aid in the release of testosterone. Dosing on this ingredient may look good at 250% of your daily allowance but it is actually a bit low for a testosterone booster.
Vitamin K (50 mcg) – This is one of the lesser known vitamins but it is no less important. Vitamin K helps to maintain testosterone levels in the testes and plasma. Dosing on this ingredient looks solid.
Vitamin B2,6 and 5 (50mg) – This vitamin is helpful with many functions in the body, one of which is the production of testosterone. It helps produce testosterone by stimulating androgen which is a hormone that acts as a precursor to testosterone. It also may be helpful when it comes to the suppression of estrogen.
Zinc (25mg) This is one of our favorite ingredients when it comes to testosterone boosting. This mineral is in almost all test boosters and for good reason, studies have shown that when people take zinc supplementation their test levels go up, conversely when they restrict zinc intake testosterone levels drop. Now I think you understand how important it is.
D-Aspartic Acid (2000mg) – This is another ingredient that is pretty common in test boosters. D-Aspartic Acid is an amino acid that helps to release a luteinizing hormone that regulates the testes and follicle stimulating hormones and HGH which leads to more muscle building. Dosing of this ingredient is a tad low.
Mucuna Pruriens (175mg) – This is a seed that is effective at lowering prolactin levels in men. This helps prevent the depletion of free testosterone. These seeds are also high in amino acids which help boost testosterone and human growth hormone.
Fenugreek (75mg) – Found in curries in southeast Asia, this ingredient has been shown to increase free testosterone levels by more than 46%. They have also been shown to give a nice boost to the libido. The dose on this one is a tad low as well.
Stinging Nettle Root Extract (100mg) – This common plant root helps to boost testosterone levels by binding to globulin in the blood in place of testosterone, therefore leaving more of the desired free testosterone in your blood as has been shown by studies.
Oyster Extract (70mg) – Oysters are probably the best food out there when it comes to boosting testosterone. This is because they are loaded with both zinc and magnesium, both of which are important minerals for increasing testosterone. The dose is a tad low on this one as well at 70mg, we like to see it at 100mg for better results.
Siberian Ginseng (50mg) – Ginseng has many benefits, one of them is that it boosts nitric oxide in the body. Increased nitric oxide leads better blood flow for better muscle pumps in the gym and sexual function. It has also been shown to boost testosterone levels well. The dosing on this ingredient is also on the low side.
Overall these ingredients aren’t too bad. Some of them are in lower doses than we would like but we have seen a lot of supplements with much worse ingredients and in much smaller doses.
Missing Ingredients?
There are a couple of ingredients we would like to have seen them use. Magnesium is one of the most effective ingredients out there for testosterone and is in most testosterone boosters, I’m not sure why they didn’t include it, it would be a better product if they did.
Another missing ingredient is boron. Boron helps to increase testosterone levels by decreasing the amount of globulin in your blood that there is for the testosterone to bind to. Thus leaving more free testosterone that isn’t bound.
We would like to see them include Bioperine. This ingredient helps with absorption to make sure all of the nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream rather than just passing through your body unabsorbed. You wouldn’t think this would be a problem but it is, especially as we get older.
Related: 11 Best Test Boosters For Guys Over 50
TestoTEK Dosing
The dosing of this product is 4 capsules once a day. This is not what we like to see at all.
Here’s the deal:
When it comes to testosterone boosters you want more than one dose per day, we recommend 3 or 4 doses a day. This is because your testosterone levels can drop between doses when the effects of the supplement have worn off so you need multiple doses a day get the full effect of the supplements. 1 or 2 doses per day just won’t work since there is too much time in and your test levels will drop.
TestoTEK Reviews
This is where it gets tricky.
The reviews online are mixed. That is likely because there are some websites out there that get a commission if the sell TestoTEK.
The thing is:
Websites will always rank the one supplement they get a commission for higher than other supplements where they get a don’t get a commission or get a smaller commission so it is best to try and find some independent reviews that are honest and no commission is involved.
Luckily we found some:
You can see this reviewer has a 100% Trust score so it isn’t just some clown spamming bad reviews. He also agrees with us that there are several ingredients that are underdosed. He also mentions the price, we haven’t gotten to that part yet, but we will soon.
Here is another review we came across:
This one also has a 100% Trust Score and is a little less friendly in the title of his review. You can see the scores on both reviews are about the same though, both of them giving the lowest score on the value section of the review.
The bottom line?
When looking at reliable and independent reviews this product doesn’t fare nearly as well as it does in the reviews by someone who is likely trying to get you to buy the product where they make a commission. That’s not much of a surprise though. Independent reviews are always the best and most reliable way to go.
TestoTEK did not make the list of our Top 15 Testosterone Boosters
TestoTEK Price
The cost of TestoTEK is a bit on the pricey side at $69.99 for one bottle which is a 1 month supply. They do offer free shipping so that helps a little bit.
They also offer better pricing if you buy in bulk, if you buy 3 bottles they will knock $20 off of the overall cost and if you buy 6 bottles they will take $100 off of the total cost so that can help some as well.
This price is definitely above average when it comes to testosterone boosters but if it had a few more ingredients and some higher doses it would be worth it.
For example, Prime Male which is our top-rated testosterone booster is the same price as TestoTEK but they offer more effective ingredients and stronger doses which make it very effective and it well worth the price. TestoTEK just doesn’t offer quite enough to match its price tag.
Does TestoTEK really work?
After taking a look at the ingredients and the reviews from independent and trusted sources our opinion is you may get some results from TestoTEK. It is not the best testosterone booster on the market though if you want one that is more effective try any of them on our list of the top testosterone boosters.
You may feel some benefits from this testosterone supplement but there are definitely better options out there.
TestoTek Side Effects?
Looking at the ingredients, it is unlikely that most people would have any side effects with this product. The only ingredient that may cause side effects for some would be Fenugreek and that is only for people who are highly sensitive to this ingredient.
Fenugreek is in the same family as the peanut so people with peanut allergies should take note of that. Fenugreek has also been shown to increase stomach irritation, diarrhea, body odor and hypoglycemia.
People who are highly sensitive to peanuts and Fenugreek should be careful. Everyone else should be fine.
TestoTEK Pro and Cons
- Many active ingredients
- Doesn’t use a proprietary blend/straightforward labeling
- Free shipping
- You can save money when buying in bulk
- Expensive
- Low doses of some ingredients
- Missing some key ingredients
- Mixed reviews online
- Only one dose per day
TestoTEK Conclusion
This testosterone booster isn’t great but it is better than we expected it would be. After a quick look at their website, we figured this supplement might be a total disaster but it ‘s not.
They do have a lot of active ingredients and many of them have been proven to help boost testosterone, the problem is several key ingredients are a bit on the low side and those low doses add up. They are also missing some key ingredients like magnesium and Bioperine that should have been included.
Our biggest problem with this supplement is the dosing. Only one dose per day isn’t isn’t going to get it done, you need 3-4 doses spread throughout the day to keep those test levels from dropping between doses if you want good results.
The price is a bit high but it would be worth it to many guys if it really worked as well as it says it does. This product just isn’t good enough to justify the price.
What’s the bottom line?
Overall we think this testosterone booster is a little better than average but certainly not worth the #1 rankings that some people have given it. Any of the supplements on our top 5 testosterone boosters list would be a much better choice.
Grade = B-

Ryan is a former college wrestler and lifelong fitness fanatic. He has run half marathons, done mud runs, placed in body transformation contests, coached wrestling, and now coaches girls’ soccer. Not to mention he has also tried literally hundreds of supplements over the years and has a vast and thorough supplement knowledge. He has written for Muscle & Strength, Testosterone Junkie, The Sport Review and other publications. He is also the editor-in-chief of this website and has over 25 years of experience in the fitness industry. Feel free to connect with him on his LinkedIn page below.