Today we are going to take a look at Alpha Muscle XT a newer testosterone booster by Team Six or T6 as they are sometimes called.
The packaging is aggressively designed and has an almost military look to it with the green and black colors and the font that has a military edge to it as well.
Of course we really can’t judge the product by it’s packaging, it’s what’s on the inside that counts.
We will need to take a close look at the ingredients and other factors to determine if this product is worth your time or if you should pass on this product.
That is just what we will do in this Alpha Muscle XT review.
What is Alpha Muscle XT by Team Six?
Alpha Muscle XT is a testosterone booster made by the supplement company Team Six.\
It is a testosterone booster that they call a “muscle building testosterone booster” that is designed for men who have plateaued and want to exceed their genetic limitations.
This product is mainly sold on Amazon, in fact, if you try to buy it on their own website it will direct you to Amazon to make the purchase. This is a common proactice among newer and smaller supplement companies to keep things simple.
How does Alpha Muscle XT Work?
Alpha Muscle XT by Team Six works by increasing your testosterone levels which makes it much easier to build muscle.
This product says it will work with your body to increase the amount of testosterone your body produces naturally.
This increase in testosterone is what they say will push you past your genetic limits.
Let’s take a look at thin ingredients in this bad boy and see what it is really made of and if it can back up it’s claims.
Alpha Muscle XT Ingredients
Magnesium is one of our favorite testosterone boosting ingredients and it is found it most test boosters. This study by the Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis found that guys with low testosterone could benefit from treatment with magnesium supplementation. It has also been found that men with more magnesium in their bloodstream have higher levels of testosterone.
We like this ingredient but the dose is pretty low at just 50 mg.
Zinc is another top testosterone boosting that is very common because it works so well. Studies have found that increasing people’s zinc intake can greatly increase peoples test levels while other studies have actually shown that restricting zinc intake lowers testosterone levels. This is one ingredient you want to make sure your supplement has.
This ingredient is a type of flavonoid, present in green tea. This ingredient has a host of benefits, one of which is muscle building via a novel pathway. It also boosts nitric oxide which can lead to better muscle pumps and vascularity.
This testosterone boosting ingredient is an Ayurvedic herb that reduces the effects of stress on the body and lowers cortisol levels. This crucial because cortisol can be a real testosterone killer. Keeping cortisol levels low is essential for boosting test levels.
This ingredient is a plant steroid, they say it will deliver the muscle and strength building properties of steroids without the negative side effects. More studies are needed to be conclusive though. Looking online and many people said it looked good on paper but most people said it was not effective. More studies are definitely needed to make this a proven ingredient.
Longjack is a plant root that has shown the ability to boost testosterone levels and also enhance libido, erection quality and sexual function.
Diindolylmethane is a compound that is found in Brussels sprouts as well as broccoli. This ingredient has been shown to metabolize estrogen, therefore increasing testosterone levels.
Overall not too bad, missing a few key ingredients but still above average.
Alpha Muscle XT vs Testofuel
While Alpha Muscle XT does have some nice ingredients but it still falls a bit short of our top rated muscle building testosterone booster in Testofuel.
When comparing the ingredients in these two Testofuel has 9 active ingredients while Alpha Muscle has 7 which is a small victory for Testofuel.
Testofuel has a few key ingredients that Alpha Muscle XT is missing though. These include oyster extract, D-aspartic acid and fenugreek. Not to mention that Testofuel has a much larger dose of magnesium as well at almost 4 times the amount of Alpha Muscle XT.
Testofuel does cost a little more but you can save when buying in bulk with Testofuel which you can’t do with Alpha Muscle XT so the prices pretty much cancel each other out.
Testofuel also wins based on the fact that is has a better reputation and has been around much longer than Alpha Muscle XT.
Dollar for dollar Testofuel is the clear winner, Alpha Muscle XT is missing or has low doses of too many ingredients to compete.
Reviews for Alpha Muscle XT
Looking at the reviews for Alpha Muscle XT and it’s hard to find much of anything independent.
It does have good reviews on Amazon, but as many of you may know you can’t trust the reviews on Amazon.
Other than that we really couldn’t find much in the way of an independent review from anyone who knew what they were talking about.
Most reviews were either fluff pieces from people who obviously didn’t know what they were talking about or people who were directing you to their Amazon link so they could get a sale.
That’s not all that surprising though since it is a new product.
Will Alpha Muscle XT Work For You?
While this product is missing some key ingredients it does have some others that are effective. If you are looking to build muscle through increased testosterone levels then this product should help.
We like their use of Epicatechin, zinc, and Ashwagandha to help with boosting testosterone levels and muscle building. While we don’t have it ranked as one of our top testosterone boosters that build muscle we do think you will get some benefit from it.
Side Effects for Alpha Muscle XT
A good thing about this product is that there don’t look to be any ingredient that should cause side effects if you take this supplement as is recommended.
Of course, everyone is different and you should read the label and instructions carefully in case you happen to be sensitive to one of the ingredients.
Price for T6 Testosterone Booster Alpha Muscle XT
This product is only available on Amazon currently and it is priced at $49.99 currently. If you have Amazon Prime you can get free shipping with it as well.
The price on this product is what it is and there are no savings when buying in bulk.
Overall the price is a little above average but not too bad really. Some savings when buying in bulk would be helpful though.
Alpha Muscle Pros and Cons
- Uses Epicatechin to build muscle and strength
- Ashwagandha lowers cortisol and increases testosterone
- Uses longjack for libido and sexual function
- Low dose of magnesium
- Doesn’t use D-aspartic acid or fenugreek
- No savings when buying in bulk
Conclusion for T6 Testosterone Booster Alpha Muscle XT
Overall we think this is an above average testosterone booster, it isn’t one of our top testosterone boosters that build muscle but you may have some benefit with this product.
Their use of zinc, epicatechin and ashwagandha should help increase testosterone levels and build some muscle. If this product had a few more key ingredients it could be a really great product.
We also wish they had deals for people who are looking to buy in bulk. Perhaps if they switch to selling the product on their own website they can do that.
Decent product overall though.
Grade for T6 Testosterone Booster Alpha Muscle XT = B-

Ryan is a former college wrestler and lifelong fitness fanatic. He has run half marathons, done mud runs, placed in body transformation contests, coached wrestling, and now coaches girls’ soccer. Not to mention he has also tried literally hundreds of supplements over the years and has a vast and thorough supplement knowledge. He has written for Muscle & Strength, Testosterone Junkie, The Sport Review and other publications. He is also the editor-in-chief of this website and has over 25 years of experience in the fitness industry. Feel free to connect with him on his LinkedIn page below.