You have probably heard it countless times that besides embracing a healthy low-carb diet, you also need to engage in physical activities to burn fat. Many folks tend to turn to cardio machines, circuit training with weight machines, and steady-state cardio workouts. While these methods can help with fat burning, they are not the most efficient options when you need to lose body fat fast.
One of the reasons many people give up along the way is because they’re discouraged by the idea of working out for what seems like hours on end. Are you looking for a highly effective workout program for burning stubborn body fat quickly while investing the least time? If so, then high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and Tabata interval training are worth your consideration.
Now hold on, what is Tabata? It is a variant of HIIT. The man behind this training style is Dr. Izumi Tabata, a Japanese researcher.
Here are the details…
Related: 5 HIIT Sprint Workouts to Blast Fat
Understanding the Basics of HIIT and Tabata Interval Training
High-intensity interval training consists of short bursts of intense activity that are essentially alternated with fixed recovery periods of low-intense activity. The workouts typically take between 10 to 30 minutes. Tabata interval training, on the other hand, consists of 4-minute workouts of 20-second intervals and 10 seconds rest.
While the workouts are short, they are more efficient and effective in burning body fat fast than conventional workout methods.
HIIT and Tabata training techniques strategically decrease your rest periods and, consequently, increase your workout density. Maximizing your workout density means performing more work in less time, something that can have a significant effect on your caloric expenditure.
The easiest trick to getting the most out of this training program is to start with shorter time limits and adjust as necessary by trying to beat your previous time limits. However, aim to get physically active as much as possible in those time frames.
HIIT and Tabata Interval Training Effectiveness
Adding HIIT and Tabata workouts to a fitness routine at least three days a week has shown to help boost fat burning. One research study conducted in Australia found that people performing a 20-minute HIIT program consisting of 8-second intervals with 12 seconds of rest lost 6 times more body fat than those who followed a 40-minute cardio exercise. A Tabata study reported that following 4-minute workouts of 20-second intervals and 10 seconds rest helps burn more body fat effectively than steady-state cardio.
The workouts have a high metabolic cost, which facilitates the burning of body fat stored in the fatty acid molecules. HIIT exercises compel the fat cells to release fatty acids to the bloodstream. The mitochondria pick up the fatty acids and break them down to produce energy.
Following a workout regime consisting of exercises like jogging, yoga, tennis, and volleyball will not make a significant difference. Such exercises do not offer the needed metabolic cost to lose fat.
Related: Tabata Workouts to Get You Shredded
HIIT Program To Burn Fat
Now let’s dive into perhaps the most important section of this post — HIIT program to burn fat. Well, in this program, we recommend getting 3 workouts per week. If you choose to exercise more, don’t over train. Otherwise, it can lead to extreme exhaustion that may affect your next exercising patterns. Also, don’t just perform HIIT workouts without proper recovery.
HIIT Cardio Workouts
Cardio workouts play a critical role in weight loss and burning body fat. There’s no doubt you have plenty of cardiovascular exercises to choose from. But if you were to pick only one specific type, it should be the sprint workouts.
Please keep in mind that we don’t recommend sprints to people who have suffered lower-body injuries. If you have recovered from the past injuries, make sure you consult with a physician to determine whether you can perform actual sprints.
For beginners, it is advisable to do sprint workouts with caution. Always start slow and build up to a safe sprinting intensity.
1. HIIT on bike
2. HIIT on a rowing machine
3. Tabata workout style of your choice.
Let’s get started.
4-Week HIIT Program to Lose Fat
- Ten 100-meter sprints at 90% of your maximum effort
- 60 seconds of rest between sprints
- Ten 10-calorie sprints at 90% of your maximum effort
- 60 seconds of rest between sprints
- Six 300-meter sprints at 80% of your maximum effort
- 90 seconds of rest between sprints
- Six 30-calorie sprints at 80% of your maximum effort.
- 90 seconds of rest between sprints.
- Eight 200-meter sprints at 90% of your maximum effort
- 75 seconds of rest between sprints
- Eight 20-calorie sprints at 90% of your maximum effort
- 75 seconds of rest between sprints
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- Eight 200-meter sprints at 100% intensity (maximum effort)
- 75 seconds of rest between sprints
- Eight 25-calorie sprints at 100% intensity.
- 75 seconds of rest between sprints.
Integrating the Tabata Workouts
As we said earlier, Tabata consists of 4-minute workouts. Since the time for each workout is 20 seconds with 10 seconds of rest, you will need to perform the exercises for eight rounds. When it comes to the types of exercises, we will recommend strength-based exercises like kettlebell swings, goblet squats, push-ups, ball slams, Farmers Carry, and TRX rows.
Consider integrating the following workouts into each week of your HIIT training.
- Perform goblet squats 20 seconds on/10 seconds off for eight rounds
- Rest 2-4 minutes
- Perform TRX Rows 20 seconds on/10 seconds off for eight rounds
- Rest 2-4 minutes
- Do ball slams 20 seconds on/10 seconds off for eight rounds
- Kettlebell swings 20 seconds on/10 seconds off for eight rounds
- Rest 2-4 minutes
- Push-ups 20 seconds on/10 seconds off for eight rounds
- Rest 2-4 minutes
- Do a heavy Farmer’s Carry 20 seconds on/10 seconds off for eight rounds
These high-intensity and Tabata workouts are very demanding. Beginners should try exercising three days a week. If you experience difficulty breathing or feel faint during workouts, it is best to stop the exercise. Be sure to consult your medical provider if the symptoms persist.

Ryan is a former college wrestler and lifelong fitness fanatic. He has run half marathons, done mud runs, placed in body transformation contests, coached wrestling, and now coaches girls’ soccer. Not to mention he has also tried literally hundreds of supplements over the years and has a vast and thorough supplement knowledge. He has written for Muscle & Strength, Testosterone Junkie, The Sport Review and other publications. He is also the editor-in-chief of this website and has over 25 years of experience in the fitness industry. Feel free to connect with him on his LinkedIn page below.
Hi, how would this be split into a daily routine?…..would it be day 1 = row > bike > all 3 tabata movements ?
Day 1 you would do the HIIT rower workout, then later that week you would do the bike HIIT workout. so you have 2 HIIT workouts per week.
Hi, thats great thanks. So Would you pick just one of the tabata excersise’s or all 3 (one after the other)?
I would start with one, then you can add 1 or 2 more as your conditioning gets better.