Add slabs of beef to your chest while improving strength and function with this routine.
While I am a firm believer that the basic free-weight chest movements are the foundation of a great chest routine, we sometimes need to tweak them to challenge our bodies in order to improve functional strength, hit some deep muscle fibers and add some newfound muscle.
It also provides a new challenge mentally and helps keep your chest routines fresh. The workout below is designed to help stimulate new muscle fibers, which will lead to more muscle growth.
This will also improve stabilization to keep our shoulders healthy so that we can keep lifting max poundages.
Chest Routine
Exercise Sets Reps
Incline Barbell Press 3* 8-12
1-Arm DB Bench Press 3** 10
Neutral Grip DB Floor Press 3*** 8
TRX Push-up Plus 2**** Failure
*Use a tempo of three seconds on the negative phase, explosive on the positive, and do NOT pause at the top.
**Hang onto the bench with free hand if needed. Each arm should be done for 3 sets of 10 reps.
***A spotter is recommended, as it can be tough to get the dumbbells in position.
****If more than 15 reps can be performed, use a weighted vest or weight plate.
It’s all about the execution
Exercises, sets, and reps on a piece of paper can only take you so far for any muscle group.
For chest exercises, you really need to make sure you leave your ego at the door and focus on the execution of each exercise, set and rep. Go into any gym and you will see many avid lifters always trying to push as much weight as they can on chest exercises, not focusing on working the muscle.
Go into this chest workout with the intentions of making each rep better than the last, and feel the muscle working as hard as possible. Yes, using sufficient weight is very important, but don’t use too much to where you lose form, and cheat to move the weight.
Exercise Tips
Incline Barbell Bench Press
Nothing builds mounds of muscle from the clavicle to the sternum like the Incline Barbell Bench Press. Just make sure to lower the weight with control, and explode on the way up, keeping your chest raised and elbows tucked to reduce the risk of injury. Do not pause at the top to keep continuous tension on the muscle, thus maximizing time under tension leading to more muscle growth.
1-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press
By only using one dumbbell at a time to bench press you force your deep stabilizers to recruit more motor units, thus tapping into some new muscle fibers that haven’t been able to be worked. Make sure you tighten up your opposite side core to help you stay stable. When the load is very heavy hold onto the weight bench for more control and safety.
Neutral Grip Dumbbell Floor Press
Lying down on the floor with your knees bent, have a spotter hand you the dumbbells. Keeping your elbows tucked, and palms facing each other, guide the dumbbells down until the back of your arms hit the ground softly and explode to the top. When you are done with the set have the spotter take each dumbbell from you. This exercise is sure to shock your upper chest and triceps into new growth, and also help you improve your other pressing movements.
TRX Strap Push-up Plus
Start by sitting down on the floor and putting your feet in the lower part of the straps. Flip over onto your stomach and raise yourself up into a push-up position. Make sure your feet are flexed in order to lock your core and shoulder stabilizers in. Lower your body with control, and when you push back up pause at the top and separate your shoulder blades in order to engage your Serrates to improve shoulder stabilization and overall shoulder health. This exercise will make you have a new appreciation for the push-up and the TRX Strap.
The Muscles Of The Chest
Pectoralis Major: This is the largest muscle in the chest and is responsible for the bulk of the chest’s appearance. It spans from the collarbone down to the lower chest and stretches across to the upper arm. Its primary functions include flexion, adduction, and internal rotation of the arm.
Pectoralis Minor: Lying beneath the pectoralis major, this muscle is smaller and triangular in shape. It originates from the third to fifth ribs and attaches to the scapula. It plays a role in moving and stabilizing the scapula.
Serratus Anterior: Found on the side of the chest, this muscle has a serrated appearance and lies over the ribcage. It originates on the upper eight or nine ribs and attaches to the inner border of the scapula. The serratus anterior is essential for scapular movement and stability.
Intercostal Muscles: These muscles are located between the ribs and assist in the process of breathing. They help elevate and depress the rib cage during inhalation and exhalation, respectively.
Subclavius: Located beneath the clavicle, the subclavius muscle plays a role in moving and stabilizing the clavicle, particularly during arm movements.
Each of these muscles is important for various movements and stability of the chest and upper limb. Proper training and stretching are essential to keep them strong and flexible.
Final Word
Wrapping up, this chest workout isn’t just another routine—it’s a game changer. Whether you’re new to the gym or you’ve been lifting for years, there’s something here to push you a bit further. But hey, the key isn’t just the workout itself; it’s about showing up, giving it your all, and making sure you’re doing things the right way. Safety first, always. So, give it a go, and watch your chest transform. Cheers to strong gains and even stronger dedication!

Justin Grinnell is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, as well as a Certified Personal Trainer,and a Crossfit Level 1 Trainer. He is also the Owner of State of Fitness in East Lansing, Michigan. State of Fitness opened up just four years ago and is already one of the leading training facilities in the Midwest. State of Fitness has over 450 members who train every day under his leadership. In addition to being a facility owner, Justin has his own blog at (link below), and has been a featured writer for over 6 years in the magazine Healthy & Fit and is a writer for Muscle & Fitness.