If you’re someone looking to start the new year off right, odds are you’re probably just starting to get into the gym or are getting back into the swing of things after taking a few months (or even years) off.
For those in this category, there are many different pieces of exercise equipment, and while the treadmill, leg press, and even squat machines are probably more popular, mastering them alone won’t put you in optimal shape.
For that, you’re better off taking a look at the rowing machine.
We Know Rowing Machines
With extensive experience rowing on over a dozen machines, we confidently declare the Concept2 RowErg as the industry standard. Our crew comprises CrossFit Trainers, certified personal trainers, and competitive triathletes who have covered hundreds, if not thousands, of miles on various rowing machines, including the Concept2.
What Is A Rowing Machine?
A rowing machine, also known as an ergometer (or erg for short), puts you in a stereotypical rowing position that you often see in college and competitive rowers. What makes rowing machines so unique is the fact that they are one of the few pieces of fitness equipment out there that utilize both the upper and lower parts of the body.
Row machines are used to both strengthen as well as tone the muscles while also improving one’s physical endurance. They are known for improving the glutes, quads, abs, and pectoral muscles in addition to the arms and legs themselves. Rowers are also shown to improve the heart as well as the lungs while acting as a total-body alternative to things like the aforementioned treadmill or elliptical.
Ultimately, however, the biggest selling point for machines is that they have all of these incredible benefits without any of the other strains and setbacks that other fitness equipment can get stuck on. It takes up very little space in virtually any home, it’s incredibly effective in improving the body, and is also much easier on the joints than most other exercises. Outside of this, however, the reality is that rowers are more fun to play with and use while also being incredibly accessible for even those that otherwise may not have considered trying it out.
While there are a lot of incredible rowing machines out there worth considering, one of the best options (by far) is going to be the Concept 2 Model D Rower. While certainly an investment in one’s fitness goals, this rowing machine is universally praised for its impressive durability, multiple rowing resistance settings, and detailed performance monitor, all working together to give one of the best workouts of your life, whether you’re just getting started, a practicing rower, or even a bodybuilder.
Below, we’ll take a look at the Concept 2 Model D Rower in detail so you can determine if this amazing machine is worth your time or something you’ll play with once or twice while in the gym.
Concept 2 Model D Rowerg Review
- Build & Design
- Features
- Pros & Cons
- Final Verdict
- FAQs
Build & Design of the Rowerg
A US-made rower, the Concept 2 Model D is easily one of the best machines you’ll use. Simply from a physical build perspective, the rower follows the gold standard of construction, able to be seen in virtually any high-end gym that uses rowing machines. This is true if you’re in America or the world at large.
Initial Setup
When getting your Model D shipped out to you, you’ll see that the assembly process is quite straightforward. Unlike other home fitness machines, the Model D rower only took about 15 minutes to put together, and it was put together by my teenage daughter. She is on a rowing team, though, so she does know her way around an erg. For rower enthusiasts, this could easily be assembled in 15 minutes or less, while absolute beginners should be able to put everything together in no more than 25-30 minutes at the very most.
The Model D comes with eight different screws that all click into place for the monorail. This is really all you’re going to need to do on your end before you can start rowing.
Build Quality
When it comes to the Model D Rowerg’s overall build construction and quality, it’s obvious that most of your money’s going to ensure your rowing machine is at the best possible quality. And it shows, too! Everything feels very “real” and “present” with no sense that it was made cheaply or that it was a shoddy build.
This goes even further than just making it great in the private sector, but also at the commercial level. It’s because the rower is commercial-grade that it can be used in virtually any gym on the planet without ever feeling like it’ll snap or fall apart.
The Model D rower has steel rear legs and aluminum front legs alongside an aluminum I-beam monorail. The seat track is made from stainless steel. Dimension-wise, the Model D is 96 inches in length and 24 inches wide. This means you can handle anyone under 7 feet without any problems while also being able to cater to anyone 500lbs and smaller. From a weight standpoint, it comes in at around 57 lbs, making it easy to lift up and carry in most places even if you don’t feel like using the included wheels for portability.
The rower’s steel chain is similarly very well put together. It’s nickel-plated steel, which means that it’s incredibly durable while also very smooth and slides in and out without making too much noise or worrying about doing a lot of rattling. Thanks to its nickel plating, the chain won’t freeze and requires only a tiny amount of oiling and maintenance throughout the month.
From a design perspective, Concept 2’s Model D rower comes with a super ergonomic seat and handlebar that are both properly contoured and padded, entirely for your comfort. The handlebars are made with a 10-degree bend, something that helps create a more natural grip feel when rowing. Its padded covering is a molded rubber grip meant specifically for absorbing sweat.
The foot & heel-rest isn’t quite as padded, instead being made for the rower out there that loves operating barefoot. Instead of having the same type of unmoving padded sensation, the footrest is more on the flexibility side of things, with a more dialed-in design. This helps for a deeper row, ensuring you’re able to bring the shins all of the way vertical when coming in. They are fully adjustable for a plethora of different foot sizes.
Outside of that, from an appearance perspective, the Model D rower is available in two different color finishes. These include either a matte finish or a standard black finish. I enjoyed the black finish a bit better, though I will say that the matte is also pretty nice in its own right.
Related: Best Exercises For Rowing Athletes
The Concept 2 Model D Rowerg is really kind of impressive when you look at just how much it offers. Seriously, it may share a lot of similarities to other rowing machines on a surface level, but when you start to peel back the different layers, it becomes clear that the Model 2 is in a class of its own.
Air-Resistance Rower
For rowers, the type of resistance you’re using will vary based on the nature of the machine. Generally, this comes in two categories: air resistance and water resistance. Air-resistant rowers (air rowers) are normally the least impressive of the two. These will generally cost less and come with fewer features or uses. Water-resistant rowers (water rowers), on the other hand, are believed to offer a more intense workout that feels closer to what one would naturally feel when out rowing in the water. Despite being on the losing end between air and water rowers, Concept 2 made a point of creating a top-of-the-line air rower that is much more expensive than many of the cheaper $300 options out there while also keeping it on the low-to-mid range for water rowers. This ultimately means you’re getting all the benefits that come with a water rower while using a less-taxing air rower.
Air rowers operate by creating air resistance by pulling the handle and spinning the flywheel fan. This flywheel fan will continue to spin, displacing the entered air, which in turn creates various rowing resistance levels based on how hard you’ve made the flywheel resist the person’s pull. The faster the flywheel spins, the more resistance you’ll feel and the more intense the workout will be.
Damper Resistance Settings
In addition to this set resistance (also known as “variable resistance”), the Model D can have its damper settings adjusted. This will offer a different feel based on the setting, with options 1-5 having a faster rowing feel and options 6-10 offering a slower and more intense row. This doesn’t inherently change the variable resistance in and of itself, instead giving you a different rowing sensation. In other words, you’re still getting the same workout no matter the damper settings; it’s just that your mind will think that some are tougher than others.
The damper settings are great for those that want a more personalized feeling when rowing. They are also ideal for beginners and veterans alike, as those starting out can go for a faster and looser feel while hardcore rowers can opt for the slower more intense settings.
PM5 Performance Monitor
The PM5 Performance monitor isn’t just relegated to the Model D. Instead, Concept 2 has relied on this monitor for many of its other products. This essentially means that they are keenly aware of how it works and how to best implement it as a workable device. This is on top of the fact that the PM5 is simply a top-tier performance monitor that people just like using.
Not only is it used everywhere (home gyms, rowing stations, and many high-end gyms with rower) but it’s known for tracking all of the important data connected with your rowing workout. This includes things like the amount of distance rowed, how many calories burned, your rowing stroke per minute, as well as your 500m split (speed). It covers a ton more but these are just some of the most readily observed pieces of data that people tend to look for. It can also calculate an overall average for all of your data metrics, so you can see how well you’re doing, on average, from one week to the next.
From a user standpoint, the PM5 is very accessible despite its more elaborate appearance. Many people consider that it can record so much data and their immediate reaction is that it’s going to be super difficult to handle. That’s not really the case here. Even if you’re just getting started, you’ll pretty much know everything you need after the first couple of minutes of playing with it. It even has wireless connectivity, making it super easy to transfer out any data for spreadsheets or graphs to show where you’re doing well and where you aren’t.
Easy Storage & Mobility
One of the things I was a bit surprised with was the fact that the Model D was just so lightweight and easily movable despite being able to work me out the way it did. Obviously, since you’re not dealing with real weights, it’s not going to be crazy heavy or anything, but for some reason, I had it in my head that wherever I put it down was going to be where it stood. The truth is that it weighs under 60 lbs and is very easy to transfer from one location to the next due to its large and durable wheels.
Even if you don’t want to pick it up or roll it away (which are both real options, especially if you’ve got a bit of muscle on you already) you can just take it apart and move it to any location you’re interested in putting it. As already mentioned, the setup assembly process isn’t all that complicated. It comes in only two major sections and doesn’t take a whole lot of time to take apart or put together. This means you could quite literally take it apart and throw it in your closet every day once you’re done working out. I’d imagine that would get a bit boring after a while, so a dedicated home gym is ideal. Still, it’s a very real and unique option for those with limited space.
Pros & Cons
- Very Easy To Put Together: As mentioned in the beginning, this is a very straightforward and easy-to-set-up rowing machine. It’s made up of two parts and a couple of screws. You can literally be a complete novice and put it together.
- High-Quality Build: From the steel and aluminum aspects of the frame to its nickel-plated steel chain, the Model D is an exceptionally high-quality build. When you consider the fact that this was made for commercial gyms, and their constant guests, it’s obvious that this is something that can go the distance.
- Easy To Move & Store: Despite its impressive materials, the Model D is very easy to move around as well as store away when you’re done. Not only does it not weigh a ton like other gym equipment, but it has wheels to help move it, and it’s very easy to take apart and put together.
- Multiple Resistance Settings: If you’re someone that likes to get a good row in but also wants it to feel different from time to time, this is a super useful feature. It’s actually what many Olympic rowers use when not actually on the water, so I’d say that’s a strong selling point. Plus, sometimes it’s just great to have different rowing experiences outside of just the standard variable resistance.
- PM5 Performance Monitor: The PM5 Performance Monitor is easily one of the best software fitness trackers out there. As mentioned before, it not only covers a pretty extensive list of things while you’re rowing, but it can also form an average once you’ve been doing it for a while. I used it for about three or so months regularly and getting my weekly averages were actually great since I got to see my fitness improving along a tangible upward trend.
- Includes Complete Warranty: While not a lifetime warranty, the Model D has a warranty on both the rowing machine’s body as well as on the moving parts, and the computer. For the frame itself, there is a five-year warranty, whereas the computer and small parts have a two-year warranty.
- Seating & Handlebars Can Chafe: This is more of a personal preference as well as something that will vary from person to person. I know a lot of people that love the Model D’s seats and handlebars. For me, I have to admit that, though they were great initially, after a couple of days I did start experiencing some chafing. It’s not a dealbreaker by any means, and the solution was pretty simple overall (just wear some gloves and sit on a towel). Still, when you consider that these were meant to be selling points and they didn’t really “sell”, it is worth talking about.
- PM5 Performance Monitor May Need Updating: While it’s obvious that the PM5 Monitor is an incredible device, that doesn’t make it necessarily perfect. Even though there’s a lot of love there, it is a bit simplistic when squared against other home gyms workout options like Peloton and their software. Again, this isn’t to say that the PM5 is bad, more so that, at this point, there are other software options out there that are superior, even if that number isn’t exceptionally high yet.
- Pricier Than The Competition: When you consider the fact that this is an air row and not a water row, yet the price is where it’s at, it’s easy to get a bit flabbergasted. Normally, air rows cap out at around $700, and that’s for a high-quality device. The Model D goes well above that price point and hangs around with the superior water row equipment. While we can go on and on about the quality, from a pricing standpoint, it is enough to give anyone at least “some” consideration.

Final Verdict
Despite not being a 100% perfect piece of gym equipment (nothing is), that doesn’t mean it’s not a solid 97% perfect piece of gym equipment. Seriously, there’s a reason colleges (see the Colgate Rowing Team in the photo above) and Olympic rowing teams use the Model D and not other rowing models (let alone brands). Concept 2 set out to make something that truly stood on its own as the king of rowing machines, and it succeeded. When you start comparing what they’ve done to the likes of Hydrow, Stamina, or Noric Track (just to name a few) it becomes really unfair. The PM5 alone puts it above the competition in a big way.
All in all, if you’re serious about getting the best rowing workout, this is what you’re going to want. It is a bit more expensive, but when you square the price with the quality of the equipment and the fact that it operates closer to a higher-end water rowing machine, you’re kind of coming out ahead.
Related: Best Rowing Machines on the Market Today
Related: 25 CrossFit Rowing Workouts for Superior Conditioning
#1. How Much Rowing Time Do You Need For A Full-Body Workout?
While it can vary from person to person based on their starting weight and health goals, generally, you can expect a great workout after only about 15 minutes.
#2. What Benefits Does Rowing Offer?
Rowing helps reduce muscle stiffness, improved physical flexibility, improves endurance & stamina, is easy on the joints, and is very low impact. It is also known for being quite meditative, for those that like to zone out while exercising.
#3. Is Rowing Good For Elderlies?
For men and women over the age of 50, rowing is an excellent workout option. This is because, for many older individuals, stiffness and joint pain can be a real issue. Because rowing alleviates these issues, it is one of the few exercises one can do at an older age.

Ryan is a former college wrestler and lifelong fitness fanatic. He has run half marathons, done mud runs, placed in body transformation contests, coached wrestling, and now coaches girls’ soccer. Not to mention he has also tried literally hundreds of supplements over the years and has a vast and thorough supplement knowledge. He has written for Muscle & Strength, Testosterone Junkie, The Sport Review and other publications. He is also the editor-in-chief of this website and has over 25 years of experience in the fitness industry. Feel free to connect with him on his LinkedIn page below.