Looking to shed some extra pounds but don’t know where to start? Feeling overwhelmed by the countless workout options out there?
Fear not, for we have got you covered! Brace yourself as we reveal the top 10 best exercises for weight loss. From intense high-intensity interval training to low-impact activities like swimming and walking, we have curated a list of the most effective exercises to help you reach your weight loss goals.
Regardless of your fitness level, these exercises will push your body to the limit and help you achieve the results you desire. So buckle up and get ready to dive into the world of fitness as we uncover the 10 best exercises for weight loss.
Let’s get this weight loss party started.
#1 Fork Putdowns and Table Pushaways
I hate to be this guy but it’s true. Watching what you eat and eating less food is the number 1 way for you to lose weight.
In fact, it can be incredibly difficult to burn off enough calories through exercise alone to make a significant impact on your weight loss goals. Think about it: a single slice of pizza can contain over 300 calories, which could take an hour or more of exercise to burn off.
On the other hand, reducing your calorie intake by 300-500 calories a day can lead to a weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week.
Just doing a lot of exercising to burn calories but not eating right or even pigging out afterward because you think you earned it isn’t gonna work. There is a saying that says abs are made in the kitchen, the same is true for weight loss.
Now that the buzzkill part about eating right is over let’s get to the exercises.
Related: Best Fat Burning Pills For Weight Loss
#2 Walking
I know, walking can be a bit on the boring side, and it takes a bit longer, but it is effective and is something most everyone can do.
One of the biggest benefits of walking over other higher intense exercises is that you aren’t as hungry afterward. Often people will go for a long run and burn a lot of calories, but then they are starving afterward.
This is likely due to a variety of factors. When we run, our bodies produce more of the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates appetite. Additionally, running is a higher-intensity exercise that can cause more stress on the body, leading to an increase in the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol has been shown to increase appetite and cravings for high-calorie foods.
On the other hand, walking is a lower-intensity exercise that can be more sustainable for longer periods of time. It’s also less stressful on the body and doesn’t cause as much of a spike in cortisol or ghrelin levels.
Calories burned with 20 minutes of walking: 100
Negatives With Walking
The only real negative with walking is that it takes a long time to burn a decent amount of calories. Many people aren’t that patient or just don’t have the free time they need to go on a long walk.
#3 Running

I know, I just said running, and other high-intensity exercises make your body release cortisol and ghrelin which increase your appetite.
With that being said, how often do you see overweight long-distance runners? They are out there, but they are pretty rare.
Running is a great form of cardio that burns calories much fast than walking, which can lead to a calorie deficit that causes weight loss. Running also helps build lean muscle mass, which can increase your metabolism and make it easier to burn calories even when you’re not exercising.
Calories burned with 20 minutes of running: 200
Negatives of Running
The main problem with running is that it can be higher impact. Over time almost every runner has issues with their feet and or knees. Then there are also overuse injuries, such as shin splints, stress fractures, and IT band syndrome, can also occur if you push yourself too hard or don’t take enough time to recover between workouts.
#4 Cycling
Bike riding, whether outdoors or on a stationary bike, is another great exercise for weight loss, due to its combination of cardiovascular and strength-building benefits.
When it comes to weight loss, cycling offers a unique level of perplexity that can help maximize calorie burn and muscle development. Cycling can be done at a variety of intensities, from leisurely rides to high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts, allowing individuals to tailor their workouts to their fitness levels and weight loss goals.
Additionally, cycling engages multiple muscle groups, including the legs, glutes, and core, helping to build lean muscle mass and boost metabolism, which can aid in weight loss.
Moreover, cycling provides a low-impact exercise option that is gentle on the joints, making it a suitable option for individuals with injuries or chronic pain. This, in turn, can lead to more consistent exercise habits and greater weight loss results over time.
Calories burned with 20 minutes of cycling: 140 to 498 depending on intensity
Any Negatives with Cycling?
One negative for cycling is that you will need a bike which is an expense. Also, if you are riding outdoors, the weather can be a huge factor.
You also need to be very careful of accidents if you are cycling outside.
Lastly, I just have to mention that it is nearly impossible to find a comfortable bike seat on an outdoor bike.
#5 High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
If you want to burn the most calories in the least amount of time, then HIIT is the answer.
By alternating between short bursts of high-intensity exercise and periods of rest or low-intensity activity, HIIT can help you burn more calories in less time, promote fat loss, and increase metabolism.
And the best part? It requires little or no equipment and offers a wide variety of exercises to keep you on your toes.
Want to know how well HIIT burns fat?
The British Journal of Medicine conducted a comprehensive review of 36 studies comparing High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) with moderate-intensity continuous training. The conclusion of the review is staggering: Interval training resulted in a 28.5% greater reduction in total absolute fat mass (measured in kilograms) than moderate-intensity continuous training. This finding suggests that HIIT may be a more effective way to shed unwanted body fat compared to traditional exercise routines.
Calories burned with 20 minutes of HIIT: 150-400 calories
Any Negatives With HIIT?
While HIIT training can help burn a lot of fat and calories, there are still negatives.
First off, not everyone wants to be doing high-intensity exercise, especially as you get older. There is also more of a risk of injury when performing HIIT training.
HIIT Training can also lead to overtraining if you aren’t careful. It’s important to allow the body to rest and recover properly between workouts.
#6 Circuit Training
Next we have circuit training which is a cousin of HIIT training, but it’s not the same.
With circuit training, you’ll be performing a series of exercises in quick succession, with little to no rest in between.
Circuit training can help you lose weight by keeping your body guessing and challenged through a series of exercises performed in quick succession, engaging multiple muscle groups and keeping your heart rate elevated.
This can prevent your body from hitting a weight loss plateau. Additionally, the high-intensity nature of circuit training can help boost your metabolism and promote muscle growth, leading to long-term weight loss and improved fitness.
Is circuit training the same as CrossFit? It’s debatable, but I would say yes.
Calories burned with 20 minutes of Circuit Training: 240–360
Any Negative with Circuit Training?
One of the negatives of circuit training is that it isn’t really all that great for strength gains.
Other negatives are that it can lead to overtraining and your body can also adapt to it so it becomes less effective.
#7 Swimming
Dive right in and swim your way to a fitter, healthier you! Swimming is a great exercise for melting away those stubborn pounds and achieving your weight loss objectives. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a more effective workout than swimming when it comes to shedding weight and getting in shape.
What makes swimming so effective for weight loss? Well, for starters, it engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously. From your arms and legs to your core, every part of your body is in motion as you propel yourself through the water. This results in a full-body workout that not only torches calories but also helps you build lean muscle mass. And, as you may already know, lean muscle mass is key to boosting your metabolism and burning even more calories.
Another incredible benefit of swimming for weight loss is that it’s a low-impact exercise that’s gentle on your joints. This makes it the ideal choice for individuals who are dealing with injuries or other conditions like back pain that make high-impact exercise painful or difficult. Additionally, because swimming is a non-weight-bearing exercise, you can go for more extended periods without feeling tired or uncomfortable.
Calories burned with 20 minutes of Swimming: 120-400
Any Negatives with Swimming?
Let’s not beat around the bush, accidents happen, and swimming can be a little on the dangerous side, especially if you are swimming alone, which you should not do.
Swimming can also get boring. You can’t even listen to your music to make it more entertaining either.
Also finding somewhere to swim can be a challenge since most of us don’t have pools. You will either have to join a gym with a pool or find a body of water that is suitable to swim in.
#8 Rowing
Rowing is another excellent fat-burning exercise that is a bit underrated and underappreciated.
When you row, you engage multiple muscle groups, including your legs, core, back, and arms, which means that you are working out almost your entire body. This full-body workout results in a high energy output, which can help you burn calories and lead to more weight loss.
Also, rowing is a low-impact exercise, which means it is easier on your joints than exercises like running. As you get older, you will appreciate that.
Rowing can also be easily modified to suit your fitness level – you can adjust the resistance on the rowing machine or vary your stroke rate to make the workout more or less challenging.
Calories burned with 20 minutes of Rowing: 150-300
Any Negatives of Rowing
There are a couple of negatives with rowing. First off, not everyone has access to a rowing machine. You will either have to buy one or join a gym that has one,
Rowing can also be a bit on the dull side. Make sure you have a tv or iPad set up so you can watch something while you row or have some music to listen to, to make it more entertaining.
#9 Strength Training
Strength training is a veritable powerhouse when it comes to supporting weight loss goals. Despite the common perception that cardio exercises, such as running or cycling, are the go-to for weight loss, strength training can be equally, if not more, beneficial in shedding excess pounds.
Not only does strength training burn calories, it also builds muscle which increases your metabolism even when you are resting.
Strength training also gives you increased energy. This means you will be more active and therefore burn more calories.
Calories burned with 20 minutes of Strength Training: 75-150
Any Negatives with Strength Training?
There really aren’t many negatives associated with strength training except for the risk of injury and overtraining. That said, everyone should do some strength training.
#10 Burpees
Rounding out our list, we have an exercise that pretty much sucks to do. I’m not gonna lie.
That said, you can burn a ton of calories doing burpees. Each burpee is a full body exercise that works all of your major muscles, from your legs to your core to your arms.
This means you’re getting more bang for your buck in terms of energy expenditure than with other forms of exercise. Additionally, burpees burn a significant number of calories per repetition and also offer a healthy cardiovascular workout.
While burpees can burn a ton of calories and get you in great shape, there are not many people out there that want to use burpees as their primary weight-loss exercises. You would be best served to mix burpees in your circuit training or HIIT workout.
Calories burned with 20 minutes of Burpees 200-300
Any Negatives with Burpees?
The main negative with burpees is that they just suck to do, suck a horrid exercise that you will likely hate life after just doing 10 or so. That said, they are very functional and can get you into great shape if you can handle the suckiness of them.
How Often Should You Exercise to Lose Weight?
This is a difficult question to answer since everyone’s body is unique and will respond differently to different types of exercise. However, the general recommendation for weight loss is to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity each week.
Additionally, doing strength training 2-3 times per week can help you further increase your calorie deficit and boost weight loss. Ultimately, the best approach will be to find what works for you and mix it up so that you stay motivated and consistent with your exercise routine.
Don’t Forget to Eat Right and Consume Fewer Calories
One mustn’t overlook the crucial fact that, although exercises can enhance weight loss efforts, they alone won’t suffice without making necessary dietary adjustments. It’s imperative to establish a calorie deficit by consuming a nutritious diet that entails fewer calories than you burn to successfully achieve your weight loss goals.
Focus should be placed on consuming lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains while avoiding the indulgence of high-fat, high-sugar, and calorie-dense foods. Coupling such healthy dietary habits with a consistent exercise regimen can prove advantageous in realizing the desired outcomes.
Weight loss certainly isn’t easy, but it is attainable through a combination of healthy diet and regular physical activity. While there are numerous exercises you can choose from to help you achieve your weight loss goals, strength training, aerobic exercises such as running or cycling, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) have all been proven to be beneficial.
Additionally, throwing in some burpees into your workouts can help boost calorie burn and kick-start the weight loss process. Remember to keep things fun and varied and only do exercises that you enjoy to ensure sustainability. And lastly, don’t forget to make dietary adjustments such as reducing calorie intake in order to create a calorie deficit! Good luck on your weight-loss journey!

Ryan is a former college wrestler and lifelong fitness fanatic. He has run half marathons, done mud runs, placed in body transformation contests, coached wrestling, and now coaches girls’ soccer. Not to mention he has also tried literally hundreds of supplements over the years and has a vast and thorough supplement knowledge. He has written for Muscle & Strength, Testosterone Junkie, The Sport Review and other publications. He is also the editor-in-chief of this website and has over 25 years of experience in the fitness industry. Feel free to connect with him on his LinkedIn page below.