You want an athletic body? Good, you are on the right website then. That is our specialty.
This article is for those who can’t make it to or don’t want to go to the gym but they still want an athletic and fit body.
The good news is you can get an athletic and fit body without going to the gym and do it in the comfort of your own home and we will give you the workouts to get it done.
Let’s break down the athletic body and give you the workouts now, shall we?
What is an Athletic Body?
This is a simple question, but the answer really isn’t that simple. When you think about different athletes from different sports they all have different body types, shapes and sizes.
For the sake of this article, we are going to say the athletic body is built for performance. This means that it is strong, lean and has good endurance. It isn’t just muscles for show like a bodybuilder, it is about more of an overall fitness and strength. It means if you join in a game of volleyball or run an impromptu 5K with friends, you will be able to hold your own or even excel.
How to Get an Athletic Body
To get an athletic body you don’t need to train just like a pro athlete but you will need to need to follow a couple of principles they use.
Athletes train using mainly compound exercises. These are exercises that use more than one muscle group at once. An example of a compound exercise would be the bench press because you use your chest, shoulders and triceps during the exercises. These are the types of exercises we will be focusing on, they also give you more bang for your buck.
Another aspect of an athletic body is endurance. You can’t be someone who just lifts weights and that’s it and still consider yourself an athlete. You need a body that shows and goes, that means you are going to need to have some level of endurance as well. You don’t need to be running marathons or anything like that but you should be able to play some basketball or go on a jog without huffing and puffing and coughing up a lung. While athletes may lift weights they are not just weightlifters if you get what I mean.
The great part is we can do all of this with home workouts since they are all bodyweight exercises you can do at home or in a hotel or most anywhere really. Don’t think you can’t build muscle with bodyweight workouts. After all, Herschel Walked did nothing but bodyweight training and he was a beast. So, without further ado let’s get to the workouts.
Benefits of Working Out At Home
The benefits of home workouts are plentiful and often underrated. First off, they’re incredibly convenient. There’s no commute to and from a gym, saving you time and potentially money on gas or public transport. Plus, your home is always open, so you can fit in a workout whenever it suits your schedule, be it early in the morning or late at night.
Cost-effectiveness is another big plus. Gym memberships and boutique fitness classes can get pricey, but home workouts require little to no financial investment.
Sure, you could splurge on some dumbbells or a yoga mat, but there are countless effective bodyweight exercises that require zero equipment. Over time, those savings can really add up.
Let’s also talk about privacy. Some people feel self-conscious while exercising in a public space. Home workouts offer the comfort of a judgment-free zone where you can go at your own pace, try new things, and make all the funny faces you want without fear of judgment. Plus, no waiting for machines or negotiating with others for space.
Another benefit is customization. At home, you have the liberty to create your own workout routine that targets your specific needs and goals. You’re not bound by the group classes or trainer-led sessions that may not entirely suit what you’re looking to accomplish. You can focus on what really matters to you, making the workout as easy or challenging as you like.
Lastly, home workouts can lead to greater consistency. The fewer barriers there are to exercise, the more likely you are to stick with it. When the gym is just a room away, it’s a lot harder to come up with excuses not to go. Consistency, after all, is key when it comes to long-term fitness gains.
21 At Home Athletic Body Workouts
In other articles, we have covered how athletes should eat and even what to do to look like an athlete but we have never covered at-home workouts for an athletic body so this article is a bit overdue.
Below are the workouts. They are going to go in order from the easiest to the most difficult approximately so if you are a newbie or more advanced there should be something here for you. A word of warning some of the later workouts are difficult and will test you mentally and physically. That said only you know your limits and you should not overdo it if you are not ready.
*There will be some running in the workouts so you may technically have to venture out of your home and into the neighborhood, whether or not it is still technically a home workout is up for interpretation but let’s not split hairs. Chin up bar required for some workouts also. Let’s get to it!
Related: Best Workout for an Athletic Body According to ChatGPT
Workout 1
10 Push-Ups
10 Sit-Ups
10 Air Squats
10 Burpees
3 rounds with 90-second rest between rounds
Workout 2
21-15-9 of air squats and push-ups (21 reps of each then 15 reps of each then 9 of each
Workout 3
10 Inverted Table Rows
10 Push-Ups
10 Sit-Ups
10 Air Squats
4 rounds then run 1 mile, 1-minute rest between rounds
Workout 4
Sprint 100 Yards
20 Push-Ups
20 Sit-Ups
20 Air Squats
20 Burpees
5 rounds with 90 seconds between rounds
Workout 5
Do 50 reps of each as fast as possible
Inverted table rows
Jump Squats
Workout 6
100 Jumping Jacks
4o Lunges
40 Jump Squats
100 High Knees
40 Butt Kickers
20 Side Lunges
100 Bicycle Crunches
Run for 15 Minutes
Workout 7
Run 1 mile while doing 5 burpees every minute on the minute (This one is not fun but a really good workout)
Workout 8
Sprint 50 yards
20 push-ups
20 crunches
Repeat 5 times
Workout 9
10 Chin-Ups
10 Chair Dips
Do as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes. This one will make your arms feel like rubber.
Workout 10
100 burpees as fast as possible then run 1 mile
Halfway through the list now. From this point on the workouts won’t be easy. We have named the remaining workouts just for the hell of it.
Workout 11 – Poop on a Stick
5 Rounds for time
Sprint 100 Yards
10 Push-Ups
5 Burpees
10 Jump Squats
5 Burpees
1o Sit-Ups
5 Burpees
30 Glute Bridges
5 Burpees
Workout 12 – The Dirty Dozen
12 sets of 12 reps of each exercise for time
Jump Squats
Workout 13 – Ab-sanity
5 Rounds of:
30 Second Plank
30 Bicycle Crunches
30 Second right side plank
30 Leg Raises
30 Second left side plank
Workout 14 – Seventh Heaven
7 rounds for time
7 Handstand Push-Ups
7 Burpees
7 Air Squats
7 Pull-Ups
7 Chair Dips
7 Push-Ups
7 Sit-ups
Workout 15 – Eat My Jorts
Do 4 rounds of:
400 Meter Run
20 Burpees
Workout 16 – Steph Curry’s Mouthguard
We named this one after Steph’s mouthguard because it is annoying.
400-Meter Run
21 Jump Squats
21 Burpees
15 Jump Squats
15 Burpees
9 Jump Squats
9 Burpees
400 Meter Run
Workout 17 – Rosie O’Donnell’s Granny Panties
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes
10 Burpees
20 Push Ups
30 Sit-Ups
40 Air Squats
50 Second Plank
Workout 18 – Bitch Tits McGee
Do as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes
Sprint 100 yards
10 Push-Ups
10 Sit-Ups
10 Burpees
Workout 19 – Bring Out the Gimp
You might feel a bit gimpy after this bad boy.
50 Air Squats
10 Burpees
100 Air Squats
20 Burpees
150 Air Squats
30 Burpees
100 Air Squats
20 Burpees
50 Air Squats
10 Burpees
Workout 20 Murph (Crossfit workout)
For time:
1 Mile Run
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Air Squats
1 Mile Run
Workout 21 – Satan’s Anus
With a name like that you know it’s gonna stink. We saved the best/worst for last.
100 reps of each as fast as possible then run 2 miles
Jump Squats
Mountain Climbers
Jumping Jacks
Inverted Table Rows
Glute Bridges
Now Get to Work
We just laid out 21 good athletic body workouts for you. Some of them are very difficult, some are a bit easier. Scale any of them back if you need to as many of them are a bit tough. Also don’t be afraid to push yourself, just know your limits.

This post was made by the staff of, home of the athletic body. Please follow us on social media at the links below.
Will I get an athletic body by just doing these exercises?
If you train hard and eat right.
I’m curious…what is the projected amount of time or goal time to complete Satan’s Anus? Things I never thought I’d say…
What’s the exercise routine for a week?
you pick what you want on your own schedule and then the number of reps you want on that routine. did that help?