The Only 2 Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight

Nearly everyone has embarked on a weight loss journey at some point. However, it’s not uncommon to see people stuck in an endless cycle of dieting with no significant results.

Why can’t some people seem to shed those pounds? The main culprits usually boil down to two factors: expertise and priorities. If you have a solid understanding of how to lose weight and make it one of your top priorities, you’re setting yourself up for success. On the flip side, lacking in either area almost guarantees a fruitless endeavor.


You Need Know How

When I first decided to write this article was going to make it all about priorities, having weight loss as a top priority is very important to success but if you don’t have any idea how to do it then you likely won’t get too far, so I decided I better include know-how.

There are a lot of people out there who have no idea what a good diet is or they think they can go run for a mile and then eat a large pizza afterward and they will be fine because they ran that mile.

It doesn’t work that way. If you plan on losing weight, your diet will be very important, and you can’t just do a couple of exercises and then eat whatever you want because you think those exercises will cancel it out.

Also if you think just doing 10 minutes on the elliptical on the easiest setting or doing 50 crunches on the Ab-Roller is gonna take you from fat to fit then you probably have another thing coming. Losing weight takes a strict diet and exercise and it takes time. Motivation alone is a great thing to have but you are gonna need some knowledge to go with it. If you are in need of some diet and nutrition knowledge this article pretty much covers it.


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Weight loss transformation

Prioritize Weight Loss

I’d say priorities often trump expertise when it comes to weight loss. If shedding those pounds is at the top of your list, you’re likely to dive deep into research or even invest in a specialized program that guides you step by step.

On the flip side, if weight loss ranks eighth on your to-do list—behind your job, family, TV time, house chores, socializing, sleep, and even scrolling through social media—then don’t expect to see any real progress. Sure, a jog around the block and a salad once in a while are positive steps, but they won’t create the transformative change you’re probably hoping for.

Fitness transformation Jen Mezzetti

When it comes to weight loss and fitness, the level of your dedication directly correlates with the results you’ll see. Cutting corners or making half-hearted efforts won’t yield the transformation you’re likely hoping for. For real change to happen, fitness has to be among your top priorities, at least for the time being.

That’s not to say it should dominate your life indefinitely, but it should be up there until you achieve your goal. Once you get there, you can adjust your priorities while still maintaining the gains you’ve made.

Speaking from experience, my best physical shape has always come during times when I’ve put in consistent, hard work. When my physique has been less than stellar, it’s been a clear signal that it wasn’t a high priority at that time. And let’s be real, the blame falls squarely on our own shoulders for that. If you’re serious about change, then get serious about your effort, plain and simple.

Now, staying motivated can be the tricky part, especially when progress feels slow. But that’s no reason to get discouraged or slack off. Progress is progress, no matter how small it may seem. Keep pushing through, even when the going gets tough. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will the body you’re working for. It’s a journey, so buckle up and stay committed.



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It’s not rocket science, weight loss is all about effort, and know-how. You put both of those together and in the long run, you are sure to have success. If you can’t lose weight, you probably don’t have either.

And remember, you didn’t put the weight on overnight, don’t expect it to come off overnight either.

Ryan Douglas
