5 Brutal Farmer’s Walk Workouts That Build Muscle

The farmer’s walk is an exercise that is finally starting to get some recognition for being one of the best overall exercises.

It is still far too underutilized though unfortunately. This is partly due to the fact that most gyms simply don’t have any open room for people to be walking around carrying a couple hundred pounds or more. It’s also due to the fact that while it is starting to get more recognition there are still a lot of people who just don’t do it.

For example, I have been going to the same gym for a couple of years now, probably 5 days a week. I cannot recall even once seeing someone do any form of a farmer’s walk ever, aside from myself. Some people there probably even wonder what the heck I am doing. Building muscle and getting strong as hell, that’s what I am doing!

Farmer's walk

Benefits of the Farmer’s Walk?

The farmer’s walk is a hidden gem in the workout world that pays dividends in multiple ways. First off, it’s exceptional for grip strength. If you’ve ever had trouble holding onto weights during deadlifts or pull-ups, this is your fix. This exercise also targets your forearms, making it a comprehensive workout for improving hand strength.

Next, let’s talk core strength. When you’re carrying those heavy weights by your side, your core is working overtime to stabilize your body. The constant tension helps build a solid midsection, useful not just for aesthetics but also for functional strength in other exercises and daily activities.

Finally, farmer’s walks are excellent for overall conditioning and fat burning. It’s surprising how much your heart rate spikes when you’re walking with heavy weights. This makes it a good addition to your cardio regimen, especially if you’re looking to add some high-intensity bursts. The bonus? It also works on your posture and shoulder stability. So the next time you want to get the most bang for your workout buck, give the farmer’s walk a try.


Related: Farmer’s Carries to Build Muscle and Strength


How to do the Farmer’s Walk?

To do the farmer’s walk, you’ll first need a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells. Choose a weight that is challenging but allows you to maintain good form. Place the weights at your sides, stand near them, and prepare for the lift.

Squat down slightly, keeping your back straight, and pick up the weights with a secure grip. As you lift them, engage your core and straighten your back. Your arms should be fully extended, and the weights should not be touching your body. Now you’re ready to walk.

Take controlled steps, maintaining good posture. Your shoulders should be back, and your gaze should be straight ahead. Walk for a set distance or time, then carefully lower the weights back to the ground. Aim for multiple sets, and try to gradually increase either the distance or the weight over time.



5 Brutal Farmer’s Walk Workouts

Now that you know everything there is to know about farmer’s walks, let’s get crazy on some workouts that will send you home crying to mama.


Workout 1

Pick a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells you would struggle to walk about 50-yards.  Try and put the weights down as minimal as possible during the 100-yard carry.

I know, this one isn’t that brutal, but it’s not exactly easy. Let’s move on to the next one where things get a bit more difficult.


Workout 2 

Grab a pair of 35-50lb (at most) dumbbells or kettlebells, I know that doesn’t sound like a lot for most people. Now walk with it for 1 mile. Trust me, it’s not easy and many of you won’t finish. You will likely have to go out on the track or have an outdoor course mapped out for this one. Don’t be one of those idiots who tries to do this on a treadmill.

Farmers walk muscle

Workout 3

This one is made popular by Dan John, grab a pair of 85 lb dumbbells (or less weight if needed) and carry them for 5 minutes. Then return the weight back to where you started from. Simple yet brutally tough. This is one you may need to do outdoors unless you can count all the laps you do around the gym in 5 minutes.

Workout 4

Get a couple of dumbbells, a sandbag or quality barbell loaded with half your body weight. Hoist it up over your head. Carry it like that for 100 yards. You will really feel this one in the shoulders! You also may not be able to finish either.

Overhead farmers walk


Workout 5

Grab a weight that is equal to your body weight in each hand. Most gyms won’t have dumbbells this big, if you are lucky enough to have a gym with the farmers handles you can use those. If they don’t have either of those, which most won’t, hopefully, your gym has a trap/hex bar. Load that with double your body eight plus 30-50lbs extra. The extra weight is because using a trap bar is a little bit easier than using dumbbells with the same weight. So the 30-50lbs should cancel that out. Now carry that weight for 50 yards. Carrying weight that heavy for that far should have you feeling like a total beast afterword, if not have your pulse checked to make sure you have one.

If your gym doesn’t have any of the equipment listed above tell the manager that their equipment is lame and just stick with the 4 workouts above.


Final Word

There you have it. 5 brutal farmer’s walk workouts to take you to the next level. Don’t be ashamed if you need to use straps on some of these, most people don’t have the grip strength to go without them.

Have fun and enjoy the pain.

Ryan Douglas


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