Are you tired of the same old treadmill runs and track intervals? Are you ready ti shake up your running routine and take your endurance to the next level? Look no further! CrossFit running workouts are a great way to spice up your training and challenge your body and mind in new ways.
Not only will these help you build strength and power, they will boost your cardiovascular endurance and leave you feeling like a true runner.
So whether you’re a seasoned runner looking for a new challenge or a beginner looking to build endurance, these CrossFit running workouts are sure to elevate your training and take your running to new heights.
Let’s get started.
CrossFit Running Workout for Better Endurance
Take your cardio to the next level with these CrossFit running workouts that will leave you breathless (literally).
#1 Nancy
5 Rounds For Time
- 400 meter Run
- 15 Overhead Squats (95/65 lb)
This one will probably leave you with jelly legs. A good time on this is one for a beginner is about 18 minutes, intermediate is about 15 minutes, and advanced is about 11 minutes.
#2 Kelley
5 Rounds for time
- 400 meter Run
- 30 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
- 30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)
This one is going to take a while, especially if you are a beginner. A decent time for a beginner is about 37 minutes, intermediates will take about 27 minutes, and if you are a CrossFit beast, it will take about 20 minutes.
Related: 21 Crossfit Wall Ball Workouts
#3 Helen
3 rounds for time
- 400 meter Run
- 21 Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1 pood)
- 12 Pull-Ups
This one is a whole-body workout that doesn’t take long. 10-15 minutes for most people, with elite CrossFitters doing it in 8 minutes or under, which is insane,
#4 Murph
For time
- 1 mile Run
- 100 Pull-Ups
- 200 Push-Ups
- 300 Air Squats
- 1 mile Run
Murph is a CrossFit classic WOD that is named after Navy Seal LT Micheal p Murphy, who was killed in action in Afghanistan in 2005.
You should pace yourself for this WOD. It will challenge you mentally and physically.
This will likely be the longest workout on the list. Beginners will take a little over an hour to finish Murph, intermediates will take about 55 minutes, and advanced CrossFitters take 35-45 minutes.
#5 Abbate
For time
- 1 mile Run
- 21 Clean-and-Jerks (155/105 lb)
- 800 Meter Run
- 21 Clean-and-Jerks (155/105 lb)
- 1 mile Run
This is a WOD that is not for wimps. Pace yourself. Some of the best CrossFitters can do this one in 21 minutes. Good luck!
This workout is done to honor U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant Matthew T. Abbate, who was killed in combat in Afghanistan in 2010.
#6 Hop Scotch
- 200m run at easy pace
- 100m sprint
- 400m run at easy pace
- 100m sprint
- 600m run at easy pace
- 100m sprint
- 800m run at easy pace
- 100m sprint
- 1000m run at easy pace
- 100m sprint
- 800m run at easy pace
- 100m sprint
- 600m run at easy pace
- 100m sprint
- 400m run at easy pace
- 100m sprint
- 200m run at easy pace
- 100m sprint
Nothing but running in this workout. It’s basically an HIIT sprint workout
#7 800M Sandwich
Perform 5 rounds
- 800m run at a moderate pace
- 50 air squats
- 50 sit-ups
- 25 burpees
- 800m sprint
Running, burpees, sit-ups and air squats give you a pretty well-rounded, full-body workout.
#8 Anna
For Time (with a Partner)
- 1 mile Run
- 90 Box Jump Overs (24/20 in)
- 80 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
- 70 Burpees
- 60 Wall Ball Shots (9/6 kg)
- 50 Plate Overhead Lunges (15/10 kg)
- 40 Toes-to-Bars
- 30 Kettlebell Snatches (24/16 kg)
- 20 Pull-Ups
- 1 mile Run
Repeat back up the ladder to the top.
Wear a Weight Vest (10 kg).
With a running clock, perform the workout with a partner in the order written as fast as possible. After the second 1-mile Run, return to the 20 Pull-Ups and work back up the list to the top, finishing with a final 1-mile Run.
#9 Jerry
For Time
- 1 mile Run
- 2,000 meter Row
- 1 mile Run
Here is some good cardio for you. Running, rowing a 2k, then more running. Scale as needed.
#10 Cardio
For time
- 1 mile run
- 100 calorie air bike
- 100 calorie ski
- 100 calorie row
- 1 mile run
This is a long, aerobic workout. Each set should not exceed 12 minutes with a total time cap of 60 minutes.
Beginners should cut this workout in half.
Related: Crossfit Rowing Workouts For a Better Engine
Related: The 20 Most Brutal CrossFit Workouts on the Planet
Related: 25 EMOM CrossFit Workouts for Burning Fat
Related; 50 Bodyweight CrossFit Workouts You Can Do Anywhere
#11 Tosh
For Time
- 200 meter Run
- Rest (same time as previous run)
- 400 meter Run
- Rest (same time as previous run)
- 600 meter Run
This workout is pretty straightforward. It can also be done with biking, rowing and swimming with a little tweaking.
#12 Glenn
For Time
- 30 Clean-and-Jerks (135/95 lb)
- 1 mile Run
- 10 Rope Climbs (15 ft)
- 1 mile Run
- 100 Burpees
This one is pretty brutal. 100 burpees to finish it off, ouch!
#13 Bull
2 Rounds For Time
- 200 Double-Unders
- 50 Overhead Squats (135/95 lb)
- 50 Pull-Ups
- 1 mile Run
This one will have your calves and shoulders on fire, scale back as needed.
#14 Ronnie
4 rounds for time
- 200 m run
- 11 thrusters, 135 lbs
- 200 m run
- 11 push presses, 135 lbs
- 200 m run
- 11 bench presses, 135 lbs
This one is a nice full-body workout that will have you feeling like a beast when you are done.
#15 Clovis
- 10 mile Run
- 150 Burpee Pull-Ups
This Hero WOD is no joke. As you can see, It can also take quite a while.
This WOD is done to honor U.S. Army Second Lieutenant Clovis T. Ray, 34, of San Antonio, who was killed by an IED.
#16 Triple 3
For time
- 3,000 meter Row
- 300 Double-Unders
- 3 mile Run
This workout is from the 2014 CrossFit Games. Scale as needed. Also, switch to single unders if needed.
#17 Coffland
For Time
- 6-minute Hang Hold (cumulative)
Each time you drop from the bar, perform:
- 800 meter Run
- 30 Push-Ups
With a running clock, start the workout by free-hanging from a pull-up bar. If you drop from the pull-up bar before 6 minutes, take note of the time but do not stop the clock. Once the run and push-ups are complete, resume the hang hold. Repeat until cumulative hang hold time reaches 6 minutes.
This Hero WOD is done to honor U.S. Army Spc. Christopher J. Coffland, 43, of Baltimore who was killed in Afghanistan by an IED.
#18 Hidalgo
For Time
- 2 Mile Run
- 2 Minutes Rest
- 20 Squat Cleans (135/95 lb)
- 20 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
- 20 Overhead Walking Lunges (45/25 lb plate)
- 20 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
- 20 Squat Cleans (135/95 lb)
- 2 minutes Rest
- 2 mile Run
Wear a weight vest (20/14 lb)
Here is another pretty brutal Hero WOD that could easily take over an hour.
This WOD is done to honor Army First Lieutenant Daren M. Hidalgo, who was killed by an IED in Afghanistan.
#19 Riley
For Time
- 1.5 mile Run
- 150 Burpees
- 1.5 mile Run
This one almost looks more like a punishment than a workout. 150 burpees…that’s just mean.
This Hero WOD is done to honor Army Sgt. 1st Class Riley G. Stephens, 39, who died by wounds caused by small arms fire in Wardak, Afghanistan.
#20 Shawn
For Time
- 5 mile Run
After each 5-minute run interval:
- 50 Air Squats
- 50 Push-Ups
Stop the clock when the 5 miles is finished.
This Hero WOD is done to honor U.S. Army Captain Shawn G. Hogan, of Salem, New Hampshire, who died during a training exercise in Golden Pond, Kentucky.
#21 Burpee Mile
- Run 1 mile
Every minute on the minute, perform 5 burpees. Continue until you have run 1 mile.
Final Word
There you have some great cardio workouts that are sure to get you in better shape and build a better engine, Some of these workouts are more difficult than others and some are just plain brutal. Pick one that meets your needs, and don’t be afraid to scale it back if you need to.

Ryan is a former college wrestler and lifelong fitness fanatic. He has run half marathons, done mud runs, placed in body transformation contests, coached wrestling, and now coaches girls’ soccer. Not to mention he has also tried literally hundreds of supplements over the years and has a vast and thorough supplement knowledge. He has written for Muscle & Strength, Testosterone Junkie, The Sport Review and other publications. He is also the editor-in-chief of this website and has over 25 years of experience in the fitness industry. Feel free to connect with him on his LinkedIn page below.